Of Poets and Madmen
There is no hate, only joy
For you are beloved by the Goddess
Hero of the Dawn, Healer of worlds
Timeline and Storylines
Semi-selectiveness: I intend this as a "mutuals-only" rule. I will generally NOT follow back muses from verses I am not familiar with. It has nothing to do with you or your muse, just that I need to maintain a certain level of familiarity and some context to work on when interacting. For the same reason, I might not follow OCs with a very scarce background, because it's difficult for me to find some common ground to work on.Timeline: I will generally assume interactions to be set in the Post-DoC verse or the Remake verse (see details HERE), unless your muse's background/your portrayal clearly states otherwise.
If you'd like to rp within the CC timeline, please let me know in any way (through IC rerefences, DMs, OOC notes, etc).Style: I enjoy crack-ish banter and serious interactions just the same, and I do appreciate switching from one to the other as long as it makes sense.Plotting: I DO encourage long plots, but I don’t usually work on very long (single) replies. This doesn’t mean I’m not invested, I simply find shorter replies easier to manage and closer to my personal RP style.
If you’d like to plot something, my DM is always open.Languages: I will RP in English and Italian.
The Gift of the Goddess: After having a vision of Minerva in the caves under Banora, Genesis is cured of his degradation. In turn, he is given a mission: to be Gaia's Champion against Jenova and her legacy. However, Genesis is reluctant to accept this mission, and he will refuse to kill Sephiroth, should the confrontation come.Personality: Genesis has deep-seated personal issues, and is NOT an easy person to be with.
He usually keeps other people at arm’s distance and almost never completely opens up, using his flamboyant and unapproachable persona as a mask to hide behind. Only notable exception: Angeal.
Especially with degradation advancing, he will start becoming self-deprecating.
After being cured, he will mature a lot, using the time in crystal stasis to face his issues and mistakes. This will make him a little less volatile and slightly more approachable, but don’t expect miracles.Family: Genesis' parents were never affectionate with him, as they knew the child's history.
His father, Scander, was Banora's mayor and the richest landowner, and had wanted Genesis to follow in his footsteps. His mother, Marytha, had been a successful pianist before marrying Scander.
As Genesis grew up, his relationship with his father became conflicted, while his mother always remained somewhat distant. While always saying he didn't really care about his parents, deep down Genesis always seeked an approval from them that never really came.Hobbies: For many years, Genesis studied theatre, which would have been his career choice if he hadn't joined SOLDIER.
He likes cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. His teacher in this department had been Anna, the family governess and cook.
Thanks to his mother habit of taking him to Icicle Inn in summer, he developed a passion for trekking first, and mountain running later, which greatly helps him de-stress by physically exhausting him.
Orientation: Bisexual, with a distinctive preference for men. It's rare for a woman to pick his interest.Main ship: Sephiroth. Genesis feels deeply for him, no matter how strongly he will try to deny it.Other ships: Genesis has no qualms having one-night stands or even long-lasting physical relationships, but it’s extremely difficult for him to give his heart to someone, preferring to keep things casual or, at best, talking of 'friends with benefits'. More details here.Lewd: Genesis can be quite flexible and creative in bed. He usually prefers bottoming and enjoys very rough sex and being dominated. More details on my F-list.
Online I go by Vik, she/her pronouns, 30+ y.o.Have been RPing for a while, only recently on Twitter.My job can be demanding so replies might lag sometimes.I'm only a little less socially awkward than 13 y.o. Sephiroth, pls come talk to me I'm a dork.
Post-Doc / Remake Timeline

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After receiving the Gift of the Goddess, Genesis becomes her Champion, the Crimson Weapon whose life she spared, bestowed with the mission of cleansing the Planet from all traces of Jenova and her lineage. A mission that falls heavy on his shoulders in the light of his guilt over what he had done to Sephiroth in Nibelheim, and his deep-seated feelings for the other man, which he only now begins to acknowledge.
Post Dirge of Cerberus:
In the wake of the Omega Crisis, Genesis finally awakens, having used the years spent in crystal stasis to reflect on his past mistakes.
Thus, he begins to roam the Planet, hoping to avoid crossing paths with Sephiroth or his Remnants, not really knowing what he would do were he to face them.
While at first using his own riches to get by, eventually he might end up looking for a job. He might become an independent contractor for the WRO, or a mercenary.
Genesis wakes from his crystal stasis after Cloud's party defeats the Arbiter of Fate, who was preventing him from rising early.
He will first face Rufus Shinra, who has just ascended to the rank of President, to gather information over what happened to Sephiroth.
He will however refuse to fight Sephiroth with the only aim of killing him, even though he doesn't really have an alternative plan except trying to talk things through.
Other Relationships
Sephiroth: He has been a young Genesis' hero, the idol he strived to surpass. As they got closer, his feelings for him become more complicated. To oversimplify, it's love tinged with rivalry, a love to which Genesis will to himself, before things go downhill.Angeal: He sees Angeal as his best friend, his rock in times of need, the best man in their trio of friends.
While he might accept to have sex with him, he will make sure they both agree it's just for casual sex.Rufus (@RufassShinra): Genesis has always been intrigued by the heir to the Shinra empire, wondering what kind of man he would be. After starting to work with him, his interest has been piqued even more, and he is starting to open up to him. At first he was reluctant to commit to a relationship with him, as he was still sorting out his old feelings for Sephiroth, which mixed with his sense of guilt for all that happened. At long length, he finally began to work through his issues with his past, and has finally admitted to loving Rufus.Tseng (@_Tseng_Turk_): Surpisingly, he found an incredible chemistry in bed with the Turk leader, who can sate Genesis' need for a very rough treatment. He wouldn't say their relationship goes further than that, though.
A Shattered Soul (Dark!Genesis SL)

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(flexible about Remake or OG timeline)
Main thread: Icarus, with @Cf_Eternity
After waking from his slumber, Genesis is confronted with Sephiroth, who, lost to his madness, refuses to listen to Genesis' pleas to return back to reason.
Made stronger by the Gift of the Goddess, struggling with the mission Minerva bestowed on him, Genesis accepts the battle and, for the first time in his life, is able to best Sephiroth, pointing Rapier at his heart.
Guilt over what happened in Nibelheim stops him from delivering the final blow, but that's when Sephiroth himself puts an end to the fight, impaling himself on Genesis' blade.Wrecked with sorrow and guilt, Genesis seeks the help of Hojo to bring Sephiroth back to life, and while he waits for Sephiroth to awake again, he renounces the Goddess and his role as her Weapon...To be continued...